javamail接收邮件(较全)工具类_javax.mail 收取邮件工具类-程序员宅基地

技术标签: java  mail  工具  邮件  接收  


import java.text.*;   
import java.util.*;   
import javax.mail.*;   
import javax.mail.internet.*;   
 * 有一封邮件就需要建立一个ReciveMail对象  
public class ReciveOneMail {   
    private MimeMessage mimeMessage = null;   
    private String saveAttachPath = ""; //附件下载后的存放目录   
    private StringBuffer bodytext = new StringBuffer();//存放邮件内容   
    private String dateformat = "yy-MM-dd HH:mm"; //默认的日前显示格式   
    public ReciveOneMail(MimeMessage mimeMessage) {   
        this.mimeMessage = mimeMessage;   
    public void setMimeMessage(MimeMessage mimeMessage) {   
        this.mimeMessage = mimeMessage;   
     * 获得发件人的地址和姓名  
    public String getFrom() throws Exception {   
        InternetAddress address[] = (InternetAddress[]) mimeMessage.getFrom();   
        String from = address[0].getAddress();   
        if (from == null)   
            from = "";   
        String personal = address[0].getPersonal();   
        if (personal == null)   
            personal = "";   
        String fromaddr = personal + "<" + from + ">";   
        return fromaddr;   
     * 获得邮件的收件人,抄送,和密送的地址和姓名,根据所传递的参数的不同 "to"----收件人 "cc"---抄送人地址 "bcc"---密送人地址  
    public String getMailAddress(String type) throws Exception {   
        String mailaddr = "";   
        String addtype = type.toUpperCase();   
        InternetAddress[] address = null;   
        if (addtype.equals("TO") || addtype.equals("CC")|| addtype.equals("BCC")) {   
            if (addtype.equals("TO")) {   
                address = (InternetAddress[]) mimeMessage.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO);   
            } else if (addtype.equals("CC")) {   
                address = (InternetAddress[]) mimeMessage.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC);   
            } else {   
                address = (InternetAddress[]) mimeMessage.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC);   
            if (address != null) {   
                for (int i = 0; i < address.length; i++) {   
                    String email = address[i].getAddress();   
                    if (email == null)   
                        email = "";   
                    else {   
                        email = MimeUtility.decodeText(email);   
                    String personal = address[i].getPersonal();   
                    if (personal == null)   
                        personal = "";   
                    else {   
                        personal = MimeUtility.decodeText(personal);   
                    String compositeto = personal + "<" + email + ">";   
                    mailaddr += "," + compositeto;   
                mailaddr = mailaddr.substring(1);   
        } else {   
            throw new Exception("Error emailaddr type!");   
        return mailaddr;   
     * 获得邮件主题  
    public String getSubject() throws MessagingException {   
        String subject = "";   
        try {   
            subject = MimeUtility.decodeText(mimeMessage.getSubject());   
            if (subject == null)   
                subject = "";   
        } catch (Exception exce) {}   
        return subject;   
     * 获得邮件发送日期  
    public String getSentDate() throws Exception {   
        Date sentdate = mimeMessage.getSentDate();   
        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(dateformat);   
        return format.format(sentdate);   
     * 获得邮件正文内容  
    public String getBodyText() {   
        return bodytext.toString();   
     * 解析邮件,把得到的邮件内容保存到一个StringBuffer对象中,解析邮件 主要是根据MimeType类型的不同执行不同的操作,一步一步的解析  
    public void getMailContent(Part part) throws Exception {   
        String contenttype = part.getContentType();   
        int nameindex = contenttype.indexOf("name");   
        boolean conname = false;   
        if (nameindex != -1)   
            conname = true;   
        System.out.println("CONTENTTYPE: " + contenttype);   
        if (part.isMimeType("text/plain") && !conname) {   
            bodytext.append((String) part.getContent());   
        } else if (part.isMimeType("text/html") && !conname) {   
            bodytext.append((String) part.getContent());   
        } else if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {   
            Multipart multipart = (Multipart) part.getContent();   
            int counts = multipart.getCount();   
            for (int i = 0; i < counts; i++) {   
        } else if (part.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {   
            getMailContent((Part) part.getContent());   
        } else {}   
     * 判断此邮件是否需要回执,如果需要回执返回"true",否则返回"false"  
    public boolean getReplySign() throws MessagingException {   
        boolean replysign = false;   
        String needreply[] = mimeMessage   
        if (needreply != null) {   
            replysign = true;   
        return replysign;   
     * 获得此邮件的Message-ID  
    public String getMessageId() throws MessagingException {   
        return mimeMessage.getMessageID();   
     * 【判断此邮件是否已读,如果未读返回返回false,反之返回true】  
    public boolean isNew() throws MessagingException {   
        boolean isnew = false;   
        Flags flags = ((Message) mimeMessage).getFlags();   
        Flags.Flag[] flag = flags.getSystemFlags();   
        System.out.println("flags's length: " + flag.length);   
        for (int i = 0; i < flag.length; i++) {   
            if (flag[i] == Flags.Flag.SEEN) {   
                isnew = true;   
                System.out.println("seen Message.......");   
        return isnew;   
     * 判断此邮件是否包含附件  
    public boolean isContainAttach(Part part) throws Exception {   
        boolean attachflag = false;   
        String contentType = part.getContentType();   
        if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {   
            Multipart mp = (Multipart) part.getContent();   
            for (int i = 0; i < mp.getCount(); i++) {   
                BodyPart mpart = mp.getBodyPart(i);   
                String disposition = mpart.getDisposition();   
                if ((disposition != null)   
                        && ((disposition.equals(Part.ATTACHMENT)) || (disposition   
                    attachflag = true;   
                else if (mpart.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {   
                    attachflag = isContainAttach((Part) mpart);   
                } else {   
                    String contype = mpart.getContentType();   
                    if (contype.toLowerCase().indexOf("application") != -1)   
                        attachflag = true;   
                    if (contype.toLowerCase().indexOf("name") != -1)   
                        attachflag = true;   
        } else if (part.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {   
            attachflag = isContainAttach((Part) part.getContent());   
        return attachflag;   
     * 【保存附件】   
    public void saveAttachMent(Part part) throws Exception {   
        String fileName = "";   
        if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {   
            Multipart mp = (Multipart) part.getContent();   
            for (int i = 0; i < mp.getCount(); i++) {   
                BodyPart mpart = mp.getBodyPart(i);   
                String disposition = mpart.getDisposition();   
                if ((disposition != null)   
                        && ((disposition.equals(Part.ATTACHMENT)) || (disposition   
                                .equals(Part.INLINE)))) {   
                    fileName = mpart.getFileName();   
                    if (fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf("gb2312") != -1) {   
                        fileName = MimeUtility.decodeText(fileName);   
                    saveFile(fileName, mpart.getInputStream());   
                } else if (mpart.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {   
                } else {   
                    fileName = mpart.getFileName();   
                    if ((fileName != null)   
                            && (fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf("GB2312") != -1)) {   
                        fileName = MimeUtility.decodeText(fileName);   
                        saveFile(fileName, mpart.getInputStream());   
        } else if (part.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {   
            saveAttachMent((Part) part.getContent());   
     * 【设置附件存放路径】   
    public void setAttachPath(String attachpath) {   
        this.saveAttachPath = attachpath;   
     * 【设置日期显示格式】  
    public void setDateFormat(String format) throws Exception {   
        this.dateformat = format;   
     * 【获得附件存放路径】  
    public String getAttachPath() {   
        return saveAttachPath;   
     * 【真正的保存附件到指定目录里】  
    private void saveFile(String fileName, InputStream in) throws Exception {   
        String osName = System.getProperty("");   
        String storedir = getAttachPath();   
        String separator = "";   
        if (osName == null)   
            osName = "";   
        if (osName.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) {   
            separator = "\\";  
            if (storedir == null || storedir.equals(""))  
                storedir = "c:\\tmp";  
        } else {  
            separator = "/";  
            storedir = "/tmp";  
        File storefile = new File(storedir + separator + fileName);  
        System.out.println("storefile's path: " + storefile.toString());  
        // for(int i=0;storefile.exists();i++){  
        // storefile = new File(storedir+separator+fileName+i);  
        // }  
        BufferedOutputStream bos = null;  
        BufferedInputStream bis = null;  
        try {  
            bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(storefile));  
            bis = new BufferedInputStream(in);  
            int c;  
            while ((c = != -1) {  
        } catch (Exception exception) {  
            throw new Exception("文件保存失败!");  
        } finally {  
     * PraseMimeMessage类测试  
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {  
        Properties props = System.getProperties();  
        props.put("", "");  
        props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");  
        Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);  
        URLName urln = new URLName("pop3", "", 110, null,  
                "xiangzhengyan", "pass");  
        Store store = session.getStore(urln);  
        Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX"); ;  
        Message message[] = folder.getMessages();  
        System.out.println("Messages's length: " + message.length);  
        ReciveOneMail pmm = null;  
        for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) {  
            pmm = new ReciveOneMail((MimeMessage) message[i]);  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " subject: " + pmm.getSubject());  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " sentdate: "+ pmm.getSentDate());  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " replysign: "+ pmm.getReplySign());  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " hasRead: " + pmm.isNew());  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + "  containAttachment: "+ pmm.isContainAttach((Part) message[i]));  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " form: " + pmm.getFrom());  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " to: "+ pmm.getMailAddress("to"));  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " cc: "+ pmm.getMailAddress("cc"));  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " bcc: "+ pmm.getMailAddress("bcc"));  
            pmm.setDateFormat("yy年MM月dd日 HH:mm");  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " sentdate: "+ pmm.getSentDate());  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " Message-ID: "+ pmm.getMessageId());  
            // 获得邮件内容===============  
            pmm.getMailContent((Part) message[i]);  
            System.out.println("Message " + i + " bodycontent: \r\n"  
                    + pmm.getBodyText());  
            pmm.saveAttachMent((Part) message[i]);   

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