Cannot load pepper flash plugin in QtWebEngine with Qt5.6 thorh5nc 2 years ago I made a simple web_qtwebengine ppapi register-程序员宅基地

技术标签: QT  

  • thorh5nc 

    I made a simple web browser but when I access to

    It says

    Adobe Flash Player is already installed, but disabled

    However as I read It says that pepper flash plugin should be automatically loaded if there is a proper dll file. I checked my C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\ and I'm sure that I have a pepflashplayer32_21_0_0_213.dll there.

    Then I also set

    QWebEngineSettings *websetting = QWebEngineSettings::defaultSettings();
    websetting->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);

    Similarly, I set my webView->setting() and webView->page()->setting() but still no hope.
    but still no hopes. Anyone knows how to enable flash with QtWebEngine?

    BTW. I did not compile qtwebengine nor qt by myself.

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  • ThatDud3 

    All I do is to copy pepflashplayer.dll and manifest.json from Google Chrome (I don't have standalone pepper flash) to C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash and then in main() or MainWindow() ctor to enable plugins globally:

    QWebEngineSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebEngineSettings::PluginsEnabled, true);

    Edit: I just noticed you are using 32 bit version of pepper flash (pepflashplayer32_*.dll) so make sure you are using also 32-bit Qt or if you want to use 64-bit Qt then copy 64-bit version of flash-player.

    ...I'm not sure if 64bit Qt will work with 32 bit player (I copied my dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\ which is odd because my Chrome browser is 64 bit but there was nothing in C:\Program Files\ - but it works )

    OT: I find it really confusing how this browser:
    Google Chrome Version 50.0.2661.75 m (64-bit)
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.75 Safari/537.36
    is actually installed in
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\50.0.2661.75\PepperFlash

  • thorh5nc 

    Thanks a lot! I get it work now.
    It seems that the newest standalone pepflashplayer*.dll as official documentation writes does not work.
    My OS is 64bit but I'm targeting 32bit platform. I just copied chrome's pepflashplayer.dll to both directories and it works.

  • ThatDud3 

    Please mark as [SOLVED]

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